Hello my friends, As sad as I am that we have arrived at the last week of work together, I am immensely proud of you for your hard work this summer. Thanks for your participation and your contribution to the Community Spanish Program! I invite you to attend our final excursion which is a celebration dinner at La Especial Norte on Thursday July 27th at 8:00 PM. As an excursion, this dinner will provide you an opportunity to practice Spanish! The restaurant's management has happily agreed to pair us with a Spanish-speaking waiter who will help you order in Spanish! Click here for information on the restaurant. Please RSVP using the form below. Final Celebration - Dinner at La Especial Norte
Class Preparation Work
To prepare for next week's class, please compete these 2 activities: First, review the new vocabulary from this high-frequency word book and make flashcards as necessary. Second, translate the story below into English about my friend Teresa. Mi amiga TeresaMi amiga se llama Teresa.
Teresa tiene un pájaro. El pájaro habla español. El pájaro le dice a Teresa, "Tengo hambre." Teresa no tiene comida. Teresa me dice, "Necesito fruta." Le respondo, "Tengo mangos." Yo le ofrezco los mangos a Teresa. Teresa me responde, "¡Gracias, mi amigo!" El pájaro le dice a Teresa, "No tengo hambre." To prepare for our "long" class next week, please complete the two assignments below.
Joselito necesita un médico
Joselito visita el parque con su hijo. Joselito y su hijo están en el parque Joselito juega con su hijo en el columpio. Joselito pisa una roca grande. ¡Joselito se cae! Joselito dice, "Ay, me duele." Su hijo le pregunta, "¿Qué te duele? ¿Te duele la cabeza, la espalda o el estómago?" Joselito responde, "¡No! Me duele el tobillo." Su hijo llama una ambulancia. El médico le ofrece ayuda a Joselito. Hola a todos, Thanks so much for taking the time to visit your virtual classroom! Here I will post reminders, links, and assignments for our summer class. Please see the relevant information for this week's class below. Excursion ReminderThis week on Wednesday the 28th of June we will be meeting at 2:00 PM at the Living Coast Discovery Center for a tour in Spanish! I have organized this outing for all students of the Community Spanish Program, and is free with admission to the Discovery Center. If you plan on attending, email me in advance so that we can make sure to wait for you at the entrance. Class Preparation WorkPlease study the new vocabulary we covered in class, focusing on the storytelling vocabulary with the word "le."
Class InformationWe meet at 111 C Street at 7:00 PM on Tuesdays! |