Hola a todos,
La tarea de esta noche es analizar una cita de un artículo sobre el país Colombia y sus problemas ambientales. Puedes acceder al artículo al hacer clic aquí. Primero, lee y comprende la cita. Segundo, decide cuál es el propósito del autor: persuadir, informar o entretener. Tercero, explicar por qué piensas eso. Al final, deja una respuesta al comentario de un amigo. Usa las siguientes oraciones para ayudarte a responder de forma apropiada:
Cita: “Entre los conflictos ambientales se señala el poco control de la expansión urbana sin analizar la oferta de agua de la región...” – Elpais.com Abrazos, Profe pearson
Subjunctive ReviewBuenas tardes alumnos,
¡Espero que estén bien! We have worked hard over the past two weeks to dive into the subjuntivo in Spanish, and I see a lot of growth in your speaking and writing. I am proud of you all! In order to help support your learning, I have attached the following links to virtual learning resources on the subjunctive. Follow these four steps below to review the subjunctive:
When done, post any questions, comments, or concerns you have regarding the subjunctive and verbs with emotion. (See my sample comment as an example.) Hasta mañana, Profe Pearson P.S. You will only be able to use your notes from this activity and your interactive notebook on the communication task on Friday. Buenas tardes alumnos,
Espero que hayan aprendido bastante de las actividades de clase hoy. Todo lo que hicimos fue para darles una idea más clara de la región andina y su impacto en Latinoamérica. Si quieren repasar el video que vimos en clase de nuevo, hagan click aquí. Abajo, dejen un comentario respondiendo a la siguiente pregunta: ¿Que te sorprende sobre los Andes? No se olviden de usar el subjuntivo cuando respondan. Abrazos, Profe pearson Hola chicos,
¿Cómo están? I write to provide more details on how you will prepare for class this Thursday. One important concept you must know for this unit is the subjunctive. We will spend much of this unit talking about how to use this Spanish "mood." However, you need to know the mechanics of how to change a verb into the present subjunctive. Your job is to prepare for our lesson on Thursday by studying the present subjunctive and how it is created. In order to be prepared for class, please take at least one full page of notes on the subjunctive using the following resources in the order provided:
Saludos, Profe Pearson National Spanish Examination
Introduction: You will take the National Spanish Examination in an online format in order to give us baseline data on your knowledge of Spanish. We will use your test scores from this examination in August to compare to your end-of-the-year test scores in June. This will show us how much you grow during the school year! Part One: You will start with the Vocabulary/Grammar exam. You will have 50 minutes to complete this. Click here to access. Once done, you will record your score on a piece of paper with your name, the date, and your class period. Label this score Vocabulary/Grammar. Then work quietly on one of the following activities:
Part Two: You will end with the Reading/Listening exam. You will have 50 minutes to complete this. Click here to access. Once done, you will record your score on the same piece of paper with your name, the date, and your class period. Label this score Reading/Listening. Then work quietly on one of the following activities:
Dear students and families, I am thrilled that you have found our virtual classroom! I upload important documents and reminders from each week's classes on this site. These include each lesson's PowerPoints and electronic copies of handouts, when possible. It is your responsibility to access this website regularly; however, I will generally alert you when I post an important document to the website. Please also access and join the Google Classroom by clicking the button to the right. Your join code is ujpo2i. Virtual assignments will be accessible via that resource. Attached to this post is your class syllabus. Within the syllabus, you will find important assignment information, my contact information, and required supplies for class. You will receive a physical copy this week, but you are urged to save an electronic copy for your records. Please click on the link below to download the document. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning for an excellent start to week two! Regards, Profe Pearson ![]()
Google ClassroomClick below to access the Google Classroom page for your class. The class code to join is ujpo2i. Archives
April 2017